
Integrazione 2017-07-27T11:52:04+00:00

KloudArchive: Application Integration using WebServices

It is possible to integrate KloudArchive with property systems, such as:

  • Document Management Systems (DMS)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • any kind of property management system.

The process of integration is simple and quick. You only need to login with your credentials, access to the proposed WebServices and use the method for the document uploading; then upload metadata and descriptions of the search indexes that have to be associated.

Click on the following link to go to the WebService:

Here’s the code to be used for your system:

KloudarchiveWebService.KloudarchiveWebService KAWS = new KloudArchiveWebServiceGUI.KloudarchiveWebService.KloudarchiveWebService();
KAWS.SecuredWebServiceHeaderValue = new KloudarchiveWebService.SecuredWebServiceHeader();
KAWS.SecuredWebServiceHeaderValue.Username = "USER";
KAWS.SecuredWebServiceHeaderValue.Password = "PASSWORD";
KAWS.SecuredWebServiceHeaderValue.AuthenticatedToken = KAWS.AuthenticateUser();
string email = "";
byte[] FileRead=System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("c:\\test\\TestArchiveByteArray.pdf");
string[] metadati={"metadato1","metadato2","metadato3" };
string[] definizioni={"descrizione1","descrizione2","descrizione3" };
string result= KAWS.ArchiveDocByteArray(FileRead,"TestUploadByteArray.pdf","Test","Upload","2016",metadati,definizioni,"ID00001","");


To check the entire list of the available WebServices of KloudArchive, please download the developer manual


KloudArchive: Application Integration using FTP

It is possible to integrate KloudArchive by using FTP, in case of high-volume documents.

The FTP upload integration can be done easily through the upload of each document with its metadata index descriptor file as a PdV package (KloudArchive standards compliant). To learn more about this integration process, please download the manual.